Tuesday, 5 April 2011

day 36

Finding the skipping is getting a bit easier, when we were around the 600 skips level it was taking me over 15 mins sometimes with all the breaks with puffing and panting, and when I finished I was pretty winded by it, now I think a combination of an improved efficient technique and less weight to jump up each time means its less tiring and I get the 1400 done now in less than the 15 minutes it used to take to do .

New diets today, my banana milkshake has been replaced by an apple milkshake hmmmm never had one of those before ....


  1. Try this - apple, milk quota, ginger, cinnamon - blend it all up. Now and then as a special treat - a bit of honey. The cinnamon (or nutmeg) and ginger mix is good - use green apples.

  2. yeah you need to spice up the apple shakes. Mine were HORRIBLE....

    Keep it up!

  3. Strawberries, that is the way to go.

    Congrats on the improved skipping.....that is really impressive :)
