Saturday 23 April 2011

finally back in the groove ...

Bit a while since I blogged, been traveling round the uk , London and Harrogate where my parents live, with a small kid there is just way too much to do and hassles to deal with while on the road and super slow dial up internet meant blogging was too painful,  pcp has been taking a bit of a back seat. Now we are in Antibes in the south of France in a lovely villa for the next week and are staying put with no distractions ( well not many ) so will be 100% focused !


  1. So how has your diet and workout fared with all this travel?

  2. Keep your eye on the ball and get to your goals. I'm at LHR (again!)

  3. travel is never an easy addition to PCP but it is doable, you just have to set your mind to it barely over 1/3 left man...stick to it.
