Sunday 6 March 2011

Day 6 , sort of broke the rules ...

I sort of skipped my lunch today as we never really had an opportunity to eat as we were full time looking after Heidi today, soooo to make up for that went out for dinner with PCP veteran J-blow who was in Singapore on a business trip and while at the outset I fully intended to eat half what he ate, the food was soooo good ( Mozza in marina bay sands ) I ended up pretty much having a full meal ... hmmm boy was it good and all washed down with a very drinkable pinot ...

The skips seem to be getting faster, I dont feel doing more each day is getting any harder for now and I probably spend the same amount of time doing them because as the reps increase as the style improves, the sore calves though will probably remain for the whole 90 days was the unfortunate advise from Jason over dinner ... not looking forward to doing 21 minutes solid of these bad boys at the end !


  1. Billy - no short cuts and breaking the rules; especially this early in the piece. This is a very hard program and will require your 110% focus. It does gradually get more and more difficult where if you are already looking out the window of the bus, you're you going to miss the destination in front of you. Keep it up; keep your blogging too.

  2. Sorry sir !
    I figured one whole meal would be the same as two halves, although I know we are not supposed to skip meals, anyway I didn't sleep too well after the full meal so I guess after a while your body gets used to less food and eating what you used to eat just bloats you up ....

  3. Good boy.. hey amazing on Son's visceral fat: 2%..
