Sunday 6 March 2011

day 7 - I have the body of a 53 year old !!!

So Jason bought me a set of the scales Patrick has in his Tokyo studio to Singapore for me, which tells me my body is 10 years older than it should be at 53, the odd thing is my wife is 8 years younger than she is supposed to be so these scales must have something wrong with them ! but its too late to send them back. I also have 26.3% fat, 27.9 BMI and 14 of internal fat, weigh in at 79.2 kgs, and if I lie in bed all day doing nothing I will burn 1754 calories.

So I calculated that 500 skips would probably work out best as 6 sets of 83, but the first set felt quite good, which I guess is a function of not having just done a bunch of squats or lunges today, so I re routed to 5 sets of 100 when I got to 83 and found I had a few more left in me and it felt less winding than the last few days of jumping have too. So that is it ! first week of exercise all sorted and only a half dinner to go to complete week 1 .

Looking at all the pictures on the other blogs I think I am the fattest, oldest and most out of shape of anyone, now the challenge is to see what I can bring this 53 down to over the remaining 83 days .... 


  1. Those scales are very hard on you if you have visceral fat (which you do and your wife doesn't) Don't let the number it spits out get to you too much. All we really care about is that your muscle mass goes up and your fat percentage goes down. And we can tell all that from photos.

    Being the oldest and the fattest only means you have more glory to grab!

  2. Billy - I kicked this off with the Body age of 54: so you're already kicking goals. Each week I have knocked 1 year off - now knocking off 2 years a week. I am not the model PCPer although I getting those years down.

    Good on you for getting those scales but keep to what Patrick notes above about fat% down and muscle mass up. I have them too and they're brilliant. Maybe when you post your weekly photo you should post these stats too.

    Keep it up mate - it only gets better.

  3. yes , Son has only 2% visceral fat, which is surprising as she had a baby last year and all I had last year was burgers (-:

  4. Billy - good to see you on the program! Looking forward to the hike up Kota Kinabalu - that should burn a few calories!

  5. Oh, you are in store for a lot MORE'll love it, and so will Son and Heidi!
